Privacy Policy: Mp3 Convertly
Mp3 Convertly Your privacy is important to us. We design our services with protection of your privacy in mind. This privacy policy explains how Mp3 Convertly treats the data it collects and receives. By using our service, you consent to our privacy policy. Information We Collect Personal Data That You Provide Us We collect personal data from you when you voluntarily provide the information such as when you register for access to, or use the services. For example, when you login to our app using your Google account, your account email, display name, ID string and token information are securely sent to our server for authentication purposes. We use the personal data to provide the services, and to monitor the use of such services. Non-Identifiable Data We may collect aggregate statistics about our customers for statistical analysis to improve quality of the product. These statistics are collected passively, and will not include any personally identifying information. ...